REvino ispită!

Ehhh, nu e deloc simplu sa multumesti o femeie; mai ales una  care a cunoscut sute de masculi deja si a trecut prin destule.. . Cam greu de dus in ispită  dar nu imposibil.Uneori e deajuns sa mergi pe  aceiasi ‘unda’ si doar sa  tatonezi terenul Alteori  se intampla pur si simplu ca ea sa isi doreasca atat de mult ispita ca nu ramane decat sa fii grijuliu un pic in ce spui si faci… restul ‘ face ea’,  in mintea ei!

Cam asa lucreaza creierasul unei  femei.Parerea mea!

Deci sa n-o lungesc prea mult.Imi doream de ceva vreme sa mi apara ‘barbatul din vise’.- fie chiar si virtual! Acel individ perfect mulat dupa nebuniile mele. Care sa nu ma judece de ce gandesc aiurea uneori sau… de ce am curu’ asa de mare! Naiba stie! Un om, un pinguin dragostos, nebun ca si mine. Pff si se spune bine ca ai grija ce-ti doresti !

Am inceput sa conversam la inceput usor, cu aluzii spre dragoste, sex apoi un schimb de cateva fotografii.. maaaa! Avea tipu o ulpa asa ce faina!!!!

Eu care am vazut ceva ulpi la viata mea.. ma indragostisem de o poza, doua… trei si nu ma mai saturam sa o privesc! Eu! Eu care am vazut atatea sculi in viata mea de-as putea face un muzeu! Ei bine… nici la pornoace nu ma uitam prea bine la sculele alora ci la actiunea in sine.. daca era ceva placut de vazut.Asta insa… ma lasa asa cu gura cascata! Mai ceva ca la filmele cu prosti!

Mi se ‘pune pata ‘ pe scula individului! Dar nu era vorba numai de scula! Faza e ca omul se ‘prindea’ la glumitele mele si conversatiile nu mai erau doar  amabilitati si complimente.Ele devenisera dorinte, vise… si placeri umede!

Ei bine…. dupa o perioada am ajuns sa-l doresc omuletul nu numai virtual. Si se intampla ! Ii fac o invitatie.. mai trece o perioada de timp si ne vedem…

Eu ca sa nu las loc de prea multe cuvinte la inceput… cum invit omul in casa, ma aplec usor la scula lui ( pe care o doream ca o nebuna!) , ii desfac cureaua si o iau in gura! Yay! Maaa! Parca nu vazusem pula de secole! O ling o dragalesc.. o bag adanc in gat… miau, miau, ce mai! Ne aruncam hainele de pe noi si ajungem in pat. Moamaaaa ce limba jucausa! Ce sarutari patimase!

OK, n-o lungesc cu povestile! M-am indragostit lulea! Un omulet frumos, ulpa frumoasa si bunaaa! Are tot ce am visat si n-am visat! Nu va suparati ca o sa scriu rar pe aici! Am inceput sa am din nou fantezii frumoase si sa le  pun in practica; sa ma simt din nou tinerica, iubita cu adevarat si.. asta e! Incerc sa ma bucur de ceea ce este!

Va doresc din  suflet sa fiti iubiti si daca nu .. macar sa va futeti bine de tot asa cum fac si eu!








5 gânduri despre „REvino ispită!

  1. poetslave august 27, 2014 la 3:54 pm Reply

    That’s a fun way! Funny desires. Often want sex and then figure out who with. Like your style with your blokes. I don’t think it’s about making it in ‘her mind’. I do not want to sound proprietry, but I don’t think that’s the way to go. I have seen recently that an open approach is good. make amends and then catch-up.


    • Sonyared august 27, 2014 la 4:20 pm Reply

      Sort of. Being open is an option. It can be to taken into account. What does every woman in her mind … are infinitely many choices!
      If the man happened to be just like me .. I would say I’m lucky! And do not exaggerate much … very lucky this time!
      Often sexual I felt ok but not fulfilled. But now it’s different! So ‘different’ , that it’s hard to ‘process’. I better enjoy what it is. It’s much easier and I want it to be as longer possible. Ty for visit and coments!


      • poetslave august 27, 2014 la 4:55 pm Reply

        Yes, I had seen that too; as long as possible; though perhaps think that the longing for a man is a residual of real hope for tangible physical ‘access’. If that is seen through, then he might abandon the project; although perhaps come back too after fucking the horse and the donkey, high on dope, paranoïd, wondering where the unspoken dream went to. But yes, I guess for a guy to realize he is part and parcel of a trap does not work so great. But who knows. Glad you are satisfied sexily. I wanted to masturbate yesterday but I have guests.


        • Sonyared august 27, 2014 la 5:39 pm Reply

          Indeed you are right. Men are more simplistic in thinking. Women mix the material and physical desires. Not appropriate here to discuss that.
          As for me, I tried and horses and donkeys. Quite a few!
          When you meet a man who can give you everything and that ‘all’ , are all the hidden desires only you knew them … it’s hard not you want that person to be your closer!
          I did not understand the thing with ‘trap’.
          Leaving relationship to be free and to gain a shade (whatever it may be!) Do not consider a trap. I know women tend to want „all or nothing” too early. I make no exception (I’m a woman!) But the relationship is so fresh and deep I try not to make it dirty with a childish feminine patterns.
          I am rather, the kind that always ask me „is what I really want?”
          And here comes the answer of freedom … we will see!
          I’m happy now … the rest of this I see what will be what will become.
          Hard to masturbate with unwanted visitors. hehe!


          • poetslave august 27, 2014 la 5:56 pm Reply

            Not unwelcome visitors, really. Just not appropriate for me to wank with guest imagining a threesome. I understand what you say; about the ‘all’. Yes. Yes! Me too. Been in ‘stupid’relationship with my all for now 2 years. No physicals.Just Mama Babestation and pretty pretty clouds and mystical. It’s more, much more thanI could ask for. Just ya know, as a man, I need insertion into womb. But keep going. We’re obviously on right track.


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